2018 Best Kept Garden Competition – Closing date

Whilst the decision was made to cancel the competition at our recent meeting (16/4), enthusiastic residents have requested that we go ahead! Not wanting to disappoint, we are relaunching…


Please help us make this a successful event by entering the competition by 20th May 2018

The competition is split into the following categories with a winner in each

  1. Best Traditional Garden (lawn, borders, roses, bedding plants etc.)
  2. Best Modern Garden (landscaped, external room, features)
  3. Best Wildlife or Ecological Garden (growing veg, ponds, wildflowers, ecology)


  • Winners of each category will receive £100 gardening vouchers
  • Overall winner will receive a trophy
  • The competition is open to any household in Kingsmead Parish except Parish Councillors and relatives.  Please note Kingsmead Parish includes Royal Gardens, parts of London Road and the new Hill Top Farm development.
  • One entry per household; minimum age of entrant must be 18 years old
  • The one household entry may be back or front garden or both
  • Households wishing to enter should email (clerk@kingsmeadpc.org.uk) write to (231 Hartford Road, Davenham, CW9 8JT) or telephone (01606 41862) with the following details by deadline date of 20 May 2018:

Name/Address/email address/telephone number/front or back garden or both/category entry

The competition will be judged during the last week of May with the winner to be announced at Kingsmead Primary School Fair on 16th June 2018.