KPSThe litter-pick in July brought our 10 classes of children into a team of schools right across the town. Children were all around the town each class clearing up small areas. What really surprised us in Kingsmead is that many classes went to their areas and initially thought they looked very clean and litter-free. But when we looked closely sweet wrappers, cigarette butts (over 100 on one small stretch of road), elastic bands and other litter filled the bin bags quickly. Children learned how some of this litter can be eaten by animals who can’t digest it. Many had already seen the recent footage in the news of seabirds, dead from starvation, their stomachs full to bursting with undigested plastic waste. Most humans share an affinity with wildlife and the state of our planet causes worry and distress to thinking children. Natural sadness at the sorry way we humans treat our planet does not lead to harmful stress and anxiety when children see they can make a small difference through their own actions. Therefore, in cleaning up litter for one session this term children have cared well for themselves, other people and the environment.

This was part of the Northwich Education Partnership Children’s Parliament (all the local state primaries and 1 special school). From Leftwich to Lostock, Weaverham to Wincham, children have been out clearing up the mess left behind mostly left by people older than they are. The activity was risk assessed and gloves provided.

I am aware of how things roll on social media so if a Parish or other Councillor who were also on the Residents Assoc were to thank the children on the Residents facebook page and/or PC website it might really help us in keeping this a positive event for children. Kingsmead is certainly much cleaner for our efforts and the pub has had a lot of (unbroken – we told the children not to touch broken glass) glasses returned. One Kingsmead parent refused for her children to join in and another who was at the GP has said he doesn’t think it appropriate that children clean up in the community, but other than that all seemed content (so far) and the children definitely enjoyed making a difference.

What surprised the children of our school was when we went to places that looked at first pristine, under hedges and in the grass were bin-bags full of litter. If anyone from the PC had time to write the children a note thanking them I know they’d appreciate it and I’ll include in our yearbook.

Many thanks for all your support and help this year.

Catriona (Head)