Kingsmead Square Parking

Kingsmead Square car park is owned and managed by LCP Properties Ltd

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Statement from LCP Properties – Kingsmead Square Parking – issued 11:11 am on Wednesday 25th July following request from Kingsmead Parish Council to clarify the situation with regarding to ticketing of 2 ambulances.

As owners of Kingsmead Square, in Northwich, we are of course very disappointed to see that members of the emergency services have had an issue with a parking officer.

LCP supports all of our emergency services, and their staff and vehicles are regular visitors to our shopping centres and retail parades across the UK, where they are always welcome.

We employ Euro Parking Services (EPS) to manage the parking at Kingsmead Square to ensure that everyone that wants to shop can do so without any unnecessary hindrance while using the car park.

On this occasion, we do not agree with the parking officer’s interpretation of the parking restrictions relating to emergency vehicles. A full review of the EPS contract will be undertaken at this site. In the meantime all enforcement and patrols at Kingsmead Square have been stopped and EPS will not be visiting site again pending completion of the review.

BBC News covered the story and further details including an apology from Euro Parking Services are available here:

Kingsmead Parish Council has requested an official statement from Euro Parking Services.