Extra Full Council Meeting Monday 14 December 2020 5.15pm

An EXTRA ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held online using Zoom video conferencing on Monday 14th December 2020 at 5.15pm

Go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88015742502?pwd=QmV6WXBHNllicTh3VDhJZHg4cVJJQT09

Or use Meeting ID: 880 1574 2502 to join, entering the password 224101 to access the waiting room.


  1. To receive apologies
  2. Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda
    To receive from members, disclosure of any (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and, (b) Other Disclosable Interests as required under Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and Kingsmead Parish Council’s Code of Conduct
  1. Public open forum
    Members of the public are invited to address Councillors and raise issues of concern
  1. Land at St George’s Way
    To consider
    the correspondence received and agree the appropriate response.
  2. Tender documents
    a) To approve the adoption of the draft Tender Working Party Terms of Reference which outlines the process to be followed from receipt of tender documents to the submission of the working group’s recommendation report to full council.
    b) To confirm the appointment of members of the Tender Working Party.
    c) To witness the formal opening of the tender documents and to declare any interests regarding the contractors who have made submissions.
  3. Finance and administration
    To approve the immediate payment of £1028.00 to Veolia, as the third-party contribution to the Campbell Close Play Area grant application.   On approval the payment will be entered on the Unity Trust schedule of payments for authorisation by Cllrs. Banner and Hoey.   The payment will be included in the monthly payment schedule.
  1. Planning
    To discuss the parish council’s response to the following planning application:

    20/04154/FUL   4 Eyston Close Northwich Cheshire CW9 8UP
    Erection of Single storey rear extension and removal and relocation of boundary fencing.

  1. Agenda items for the next meeting
    To note agenda items to be considered at the meeting scheduled for 21 December 2020, commencing at 7.30 pm
  1. Close of meeting

 Closed session items
Members of the public should be aware that the council may take a vote on any item on the agenda to resolve that the item be dealt with in closed session.   The law permits the exclusion of the press and public when the council is discussing matters which may contain sensitive information, such as legal advice or matters pertaining to individuals.

 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.2
A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for some other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.