Parish Council Meeting Monday 21 December 2020

The ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held online using Zoom video conferencing on Monday 21st December 2020 at 7.30pm

Go to  or use meeting ID 890 9922 2813to join, entering the password 266293 to access the waiting room.


1.   To receive apologies

2.   Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda
To receive from members, disclosure of any (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and, (b) Other Disclosable Interests as required under Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and Kingsmead Parish Council’s Code of Conduct

3.   Public open forum
Members of the public are invited to address Councillors and raise issues of concern

4.   PCSO
To receive a report from PCSO Phil Hambleton

5.   Approval and receipt of Minutes

a)   To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 16th November 2020

b)   To approve the minutes of the Extra Full Council Meeting held 14th December 2020

6.   Finance and administration

a)   To note that the current account bank reconciliation to 30-11-2020 is not available and that a reconciliation will be presented in January 2021.

b)   To note that the transfer of signatories is incomplete for the Nationwide 45 Day bank account and the 125 Day bank account and no reconciliation is available.

c)   To approve the Yorkshire Bank reconciliation to 01-12-2020

d)   To approve accounts for payment in December 2020

e)   To note accounts paid November 2020

f)   To note financial position/management accounts to end December 2020

g)   To approve the timesheets submitted by the clerk

h)   To approve changes to the registered address and to named individuals, including level of access to the banking accounts held by the parish council at the Yorkshire Bank and the Nationwide Building Society.

i)   To consider matters regarding the pension scheme provider and new employee contracts

7.   Budget Proposal and Precept Setting 2021-22
To consider the proposed budget and decide on the level of precept to be levied in Financial Year 2021-22

8.   Deeds of Variation
To consider the document provided by Chambers Fletcher

9.   St George’s Way costings
To consider the costings received from CHL Solicitors to progress the matter at St. George’s Way

10.   Tree Management Report

a)   To discuss the contents of the tree management report

b)   To consider the quotations for tagging trees

11.   Additional Flower Bed

To discuss the proposed new flower bed by the Kingsmead sign (Northwich town end) following the receipt of information which necessitates reconsidering the proposed size of the bed.

12.   Quotation for tree works at Buckingham Drive

a)   To consider the quotation received for the tree works recommended

b)   To consider any other issues regarding tree maintenance that have been raised

13.   Landscaping works
To consider if all requested landscaping works have been completed by the contractor

14.   Ponds Works
To consider any issues raised regarding ponds, culverts, or drainage

15.   Play Parks
To consider any issues raised regarding play parks.

16.   Newsletter sponsorship
To consider a response to an enquiry about business sponsorship of a parish newsletter.

17.   Agenda items for the next meeting
To note agenda items to be considered at the January meeting

18.   Close of meeting