Kingsmead Monthly Council Meeting – Monday 19 April 2021
The ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held online using Zoom video conferencing on Monday 19 April 2021 at 7.30pm
Meeting ID: 819 5801 2110 Passcode: 066384
1. To receive apologies
2. Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda
To receive from members, disclosure of any (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and, (b) Other Disclosable Interests as required under Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and Kingsmead Parish Council’s Code of Conduct
3. Public open forum
a) Members of the public are invited to address Councillors and raise issues of concern
To receive a report from PCSO (to follow)
5. Approval and receipt of Minutes
a) To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 15 March 2021 (attached)
6. Summer Event
To receive details for hosting or co-hosting a summer event (to follow)
7. Finance and administration
a) To approve the Unity Trust bank reconciliation to 31-03-21 (attached)
b) To approve bank reconciliations for the Nationwide 45 Day bank account and the 125 Day bank account to 31-03-21 (attached)
c) To note the Yorkshire Bank reconciliation to date (attached)
d) To reapprove the following variable Direct Debit payments:-
• Telecoms World VOIP phone service – £20.40 per month
• 3G Mobile Phone – £8 per month
• Payment of Lloyds Bank Card fee (Max £500)
• ICO Registration Fee (approx. £40pa)
• PO Box – £36.60 per month
e) To approve accounts for payment in April 2021 (attached)
f) To note accounts paid March 2021 (attached)
g) To note financial position at year end to 31-03-2020 (attached)
h) To review and approve the draft AGAR accounting statements 2020-2021 for submission to the internal auditor (attached)
i) To approve the asset register 2020-2021 for submission to the internal auditor (attached)
j) To approve a movement to earmarked reserves of £5141, being the first payment of two of the Veolia grant, for the purchase of play equipment for Campbell Close
k) To approve the amounts of money to be transferred from the current account to Parish Council’s savings accounts now that the precept of £198,482 has been received.
l) To approve the timesheets submitted by the outgoing clerk (to follow)
m) To consider a request for funding from a local organisation
8. Planning Applications
To consider a response to the following planning applications:
Reference Number: 21/00969/FUL
10 Waystead Close Northwich Cheshire CW9 8NN
Single storey rear extension, increased off road parking to the front, enclosure
of the existing porch space, additional velux to the first floor master en-suite
and internal alterations
9. St George’s Way
To consider the latest response received by CHL Solicitors (to follow)
10. Environmental Matters
a) To consider the report on maintenance issues at the Clocktower and War Memorial submitted by Cllr Boylan (attached)
b) To consider any further actions by the Council with regard to fly tipping
c) To receive an update from Cllr Weltman on the accessibility of the path at the Willows Apartments
d) To consider the quotation received for the repair of lighting on the Kingsmead sandstone sign (attached)
e) To consider the quotation of £320 from Lawtons for planting the flowerbed at Kensington Park Playground
f) To receive any other updates
11. Ponds Works
a) To consider any issues relating to ponds, culverts or drainage
12. Play Parks
a) To note that the installation of the new play equipment at Campbell Close is intended to start on 19 April 2021
b) To note that the basketball ring has now been installed at Kensington Way Park
c) To consider quotations received for provision of annual and quarterly inspections of the play areas (attached and to follow)
d) To discuss the replacement of equipment at Burwardsley Way Play Park
e) To discuss wording for the play area signs
f) To consider the quarterly Play Park Inspection reports (attached)
g) To receive any other updates
13. Annual Assembly and Annual Parish Council Meeting
To consider the date and venue for the Annual Assembly and the Annual Parish Council Meeting
14. Agenda items for the next meeting
To note agenda items to be considered at the March meeting
15. Close of meeting
Closed session items
Members of the public should be aware that the council may take a vote on any item on the agenda to resolve that the item be dealt with in closed session. The law permits the exclusion of the press and public when the council is discussing matters which may contain sensitive information, such as legal advice or matters pertaining to individuals.
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.2
A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for some other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.