Council Meetings Schedule

The council meets at 7.30pm on the third Monday of every month, apart from in August, at Kingsmead Primary School.

Residents are welcome to attend the meetings to discuss issues or raise items of concern with members of the council.  A public open forum takes place near the beginning of each meeting, after which, attendees may stay to listen to the remainder of the meeting but are unable to participate in any formal proceedings once the public forum has closed.

There are also two committees that regularly meet. The Parks and Environment Committee meets on the second Monday of the month and the Finance Committee meets quarterly. These meetings are also held in Kingsmead School at 7.30pm, and members of the public are welcome to attend these committee meetings as well.

Proposed dates for the 2024-2025 Civic Year are listed below.

Please note these dates may change and you should refer to the website/parish council noticeboard (situated in Kingsmead Square) for final confirmation. Agendas are published a minimum of 3 working days before a meeting and will confirm the actual meeting date.

Next scheduled meetings (2024-2025):

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING to be held on Monday 20th May 2024 at 7.00pm in Kingsmead School

Finance Committee Parks & Env. Committee  FULL Council Meetings
MAY Thursday 30th (EM) Monday 20th
JUNE Monday 3rd Monday 10th Monday 17th
JULY Monday 8th Monday 15th
AUGUST No meetings in AUG
SEPTEMBER Monday 23rd (revised date) Monday 9th (cancelled)
(this meeting will be combined with the Full Council meeting on the 16th)
Monday 16th
OCTOBER Monday 14th Monday 21st
NOVEMBER Monday 11th Monday 18th
DECEMBER Monday 2nd Monday 9th Monday 16th
JANUARY 2025 Monday 13th Monday 20th
FEBRUARY Monday 10th Monday 24th
MARCH Monday 3rd Monday 10th Monday 24th
APRIL No meeting Monday 28th