Policies & Documents

The following documents describe the workings of your Parish Council; they are listed in alphabetical order below.

Document Location
Annual Parish Council Meeting
This is a statutory meeting where the chairman and a vice-chairman are elected, committee members are appointed together with representatives to other bodies and standing orders are reviewed.  By the end of May every Parish Council should have held their Annual Parish Council Meeting, and the Chairman of the Parish Council should have called the Annual Parish Meeting (which must be held by 1stJune each year).
Annual Parish Council Meetings
Annual Parish Meeting
This is not a council meeting, however it is a statutory meeting where a Parish Council exists for a parished area. It is a meeting of the parish electors and must take place between 1 March and 1 June. Electors can contribute to the agenda. The chairman of the council, any two councillors or any six electors can call the Annual Parish Meeting. The Chairman of the Parish Council will chair the meeting. The law in respect of Annual Parish Meetings is set out in sections 9 and 13 and Part III of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Act 1972.
Annual Parish Meetings
Assets Register 2023-2024 KPC Asset Register
Banners & Advertisements Policy

The Parish Council supports the promotion of local non-political and non-commercial voluntary, community and charitable events which are of interest to
residents. The council needs to approve all banners and advertisements before they are displayed on council land/property.

Banners and Advertisements Policy May
Being a Good Employer A guide for Parish Councils 2016 Good Employer 2016
Chair’s Report
Chair Helen Weltman (Chair 2023-24 and 2024-25) provides an overview on the work of the Council during the previous civic year.

Chairs Report 2023-2024

Code of Conduct (CWaC 2022)

This document sets the standards and expectations for members serving on the Parish Council. It was adopted on 27/06/2022 and approved for continued use at the Annual Meeting of the Council on 20/05/2024.

KPC Code of Conduct
Climate Emergency Declaration and Action Plan
Declared at the meeting held 16/03/2020
Climate Emergency Action Plan 2020
Communication & Media Policy
adopted 20/05/2019
Communications & Media Policy 2019
Community Engagement Policy
adopted 16/03/2020
Community engagement policy 2020
Complaints Procedure

This document explains how complaints can be made against any decisions made by the council

Complaints Procedure 2019
This document sets out the procedure for co-option of a new councillor.
Co-option Policy
Creation of Kingsmead Parish Council
The Council was formed in 2011 following a boundary review.  The full document is available here.
CWC Re-Organisation 2011
Elections 2023

On 4th May 2023, an uncontested election was held in the parish, which means that only 10 (or fewer) people stood for election. Kingsmead Parish Council has a maximum number of 10 seats, which is determined by the Monitoring Officer at Cheshire West and Chester Council. If the number of people standing in the election does not exceed the number of seats available, all persons are elected unopposed.

Kingsmead Uncontested Notice 2023
Email and Internet Usage Policy Email and Internet Usage Policy 2020
Employer Pension Discretion Policy for Employees Pension Discretion Policy 2020
Equality Policy adopted 21/01/2019 Equality Policy 2019
Financial Regulations
These regulations govern the financial procedures of the council and were updated and approved on 17th June 2024
KPC Model Financial Regulations 2024-25
General Data Protection Regulations May 2018  KPC Data Audit Schedule 2018
Contact Privacy Notice 2019
KPC Retention of Documents Policy
General Power of Competence
Under the GPC councils no longer need to ask whether they have a specific power to act.  The GPC (Localism Act 2011 s.1(1)) gives local authorities, including eligible councils, “the power to do anything that individuals generally may do” as long as they don’t break other laws.  It is a ‘power of first resort’; which means that when searching for a power to act, the first question for a local council is whether it can use the GPC.  A local council can act in the same way that an individual is normally permitted to act, as introduced by the Localism Act 2011, sections 1 to 8.There are two eligibility criteria:

  • Elected councillors – at the precise moment that the council resolves that it meets the criteria, the number of councillors elected at the last ordinary election, or at a subsequent by-election, must equal or exceed two thirds of its total number of councillors. Elected councillors include all councillors who stood for election whether or not the election was contested.  Co-opted or appointed councillors do not count for this purpose as they are not elected.
  • The qualified clerk – the clerk must hold at least one of the sector-specific qualifications and should have completed the relevant training designed as part of the National Training Strategy for local councils eg. the Certificate in Local Council Management (CiLCA) including section 7 of CiLCA 2012 updated for the purposes of the GPC. A council must pay attention to the advice of its trained and qualified clerk when taking decisions to ensure that it acts lawfully.

Eligibility 21 May 2018 Ref 21/05/18/8(p349)
Eligibility 15th May 2017 Ref 15/05/17/8b

As of 1st April 2024, Kingsmead Parish Council does not hold the General Power of Competence.

Grants Policy (adopted 21/01/2019) Grants Policy
ICO Registration Certificate  Registration Certificate 2024-25
Investment Policy Investment Policy 2019
Local Council Award Scheme Local Council Award Scheme
Local Government Transparency Code 2015 Local Government Transparency Code 2015

Expenditure >£500:

Cashbook transactions 2023-2024
Cashbook transactions 2022-2023

Please note that from 1st April 2024, a list of ALL payments is also published monthly in the Finance section of the website.

Procurement Information for Expenditure >£5000
2023-2024 Payments over £5000

Model Publication Scheme
This publication scheme commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.
Kingsmead Parish Council publication scheme
Play Area Inspection & Maintenance Policy Kingsmead Play Inspection Policy 2019
Ponds Maintenance Contract 2017-2020

Extended to March 2021 – minute ref 21/01/19(11b)

Ponds March 2017 to March 2020
Press & Media Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define the roles and responsibilities within Kingsmead Parish Council for working with the press and media and deals with the day-to-day relationship between the council and the media.
Press & Media Policy
Risk Assessment 2024-2025
This document provides evidence that the Parish Council has considered its financial and general risks and has put in place procedures to minimise those risks. The Risk Assessment was approved at a FULL Council meeting on 15-07-2024
Risk Assessment 2024-2025
Staff Disciplinary Policy
This document sets out the disciplinary policy for members of staff
Disciplinary Procedure 2017
Standing Orders
These regulations govern the procedures of the council and were approved at a FULL Council meeting on 15-07-2024
Standing Orders July-2024
The Good Councillor Guide
Essential reading for all those interested in the workings of a local council.
Training Policy adopted 21/01/2019 Training Policy
Tree Works
Essential reading for all residents with questions regarding trees
KMPC Tree Policy 2021
Trees FAQs
Woodland Management Plan
Vexatious Policy
This policy identifies where a complainant, either individually or as a member of a group or a group of complainants might be considered to be habitual or vexatious and ways of responding to these situations.
Vexatious Policy
Wildlife Policy
This document sets out the policy for wildlife
Wildlife Policy 2018