Contact Details
Kingsmead’s Police Community Support Officer
Our PCSO is Lee Robertson and his contact details are as follows:
Facebook – Davenham and Moulton Police
Twitter – DhamMoultonPol
Website –
Email –
These are ways to contact Lee but are not monitored daily and are not a way of reporting Crimes/Incidents.
Incidents/Crimes need to be reported via 101 for non-emergency and 999 in an emergency.
The powers of the PCSO are quite extensive. They are employed by Cheshire Constabulary and will be working on a shift pattern which includes evenings up to 10pm and daytime working and covers every day of the week. Together with the CAT (Community Action Team) police officers and other regular police officers this provides for a much greater coverage than we have previously experienced.
To report a crime or non-emergency incident please call 101 which connects to the Cheshire Police non-emergency incident unit.
Dial 999 if you witness a crime in progress – where there is a danger to life – violence is being used or threatened – a serious crime is in progress or likely to occur – a suspect for a serious crime is nearby – there has been a traffic collision injuring someone or causing a danger to others – a person who is especially vulnerable needs assistance.